
Wednesday 17 October 2018

Welcome To Term 4

Walt: use correct sentences to help structure our writing.

Wow the holiday ended so fast and it is now time back to  school to learn. This terms theme is te wa toi that means it is time for art. This can inquired drawing, painting ,creativity and much more.

This term we are doing lots of interesting and fun stuff. The first thing is year 6 camp i can not wait. Year 6 camp is in week 4 and that’s only 3 weeks away. Another thing is athletics I am hoping that I can win something. There is so much more to come that is what makes this term thrilled.

One goal of mine is that to learn how to be more artistic with art. Another goal of mine is to finish my book it is the BFG I am up to the part where the girl shofie is in her bed and hiding from the BfG. The last goal i want to do is to use pastels to make a masterpiece.

This term I am hoping to learn about how to be more creative with art. I also want to learn about how to do some tie dye with pastel and interesting colours. One other thing what I want to learn is to do sculpture.

overall this term I am very exciting for lots of fun and excitement. The thing I am looking forward for is year 6 camp and athletics, my goal is to be more artistic and finish my book, and I want to learn about some tie dye and how to make a sculpture.

Task Description: For this task we wrote about what this terms about and what we hope to learn. We also learned how to write a proper conclusion. I wish that I had made my conclusion a little better, I also found it hard to think of goals.